Personal Development
We aim to help students grow in confidence and resilience here and now, drawing on experiences and lessons from then, to prepare them for the opportunities and challenges next, enabling them to thrive both personally and within their wider communities there. Through self-awareness and reflection, we aim to foster individuals who are ready to adapt, lead, and contribute positively to society.
At Halwin School, we know our children and our families well. This helps us to support them in times of difficulty from within school or signpost or refer them on to additional external support.
All staff provide pastoral support for the children in their classes. We have a weekly visit from the Primary Mental Health Support Worker to whom we refer those children in need of focussed work.
The school uses the Kapow Personal, Social, Health Education Scheme for the curriculum learning and further work around online safety is covered in the Digital Learning Cornwall Computing Scheme.
The staff are vigilant in identifying those in need and the school proactive in supporting them and their families.