School Uniform

  • School logo navy blue sweatshirt, hoodie or cardigan
  • Plain white polo shirt (White shirts for Year 6, tie provided)
  • Charcoal grey or black trousers, shorts, skirt (or pinafore dress KS1)
  • Socks – plain white, grey or navy
  • Plain black shoes or plain black trainers

Blue checked cotton dresses may be worn in the Summer term.

PE kit – School logo navy blue t-shirt, school logo hoodie, navy or black shorts or jogging bottoms, socks, trainers.

Logo uniform can be purchased at Whirlwind Sports (Helston) or online at

Hair below the shoulders should be tied back.

Jewellery should not be worn other than watches and plain stud earrings. Please remove for PE.

Please clearly name your child’s uniform.

Second hand uniform is available in the school reception area for a donation.


Halwin Uniform Online Ordering