Halwin School Safeguarding Statement
At Halwin School the health and safety of our children is of paramount importance. Children should feel safe at school, without this they will be unable to learn or develop as learners. Parents send their children to school in the full expectation that they will be safe and secure in an environment that positively promotes their health and well-being.
Appointment of Staff and Induction of New Staff.
All staff who are appointed to work at Halwin School have been screened through the Disclosure and Barring Service which highlights any criminal records or previous allegations that may have been made against an individual.
A member of the appointments committee has up-to-date Safer Recruitment training and all safer recruitment protocols are in place.
Child Protection and Safeguarding
The Designated Safeguarding Lead is Mrs Alexandra Carr and the designated governor is Dr Jenkin. All staff receive annual child protection and safeguarding updates. If any member of staff has a concern about any of our children they are to report it as soon as possible to Mrs Carr or Mrs Tamblin so that a decision about further referral can be made as soon as possible.
Crofty Safeguarding Child Protection Policy_Sept 24
Mrs Alexandra Carr-Designated Safeguarding Lead

Designated Safeguard Lead and Single Point of Contact for Prevent
Mrs Vicky Tamblin-Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead