Pupil Leadership Team

At the start of the school year, children vote for representatives for the Pupil Leadership Team. In the Upper School class, pupils also prepare candidate speeches and a hustings is held.

In Year 6, every pupil is allocated a role on our Pupil Leadership Team as a Prefect. They have a range of responsibilities which they fulfill throughout the school year.


  • Lead Value Assemblies
  • Represent the school at local/national events
  • Run tours for visitors
  • Promote high standards of behaviour and uniform throughout the school
  • Monitor transitions in corridors before and after assemblies
  • Lead tables at lunchtimes

House Captains/Deputy House Captains

  • Lead our four houses
  • Host House Assemblies
  • Support staff at Sports Days
  • Run House Competitions

Digital Leaders

  • Promote safe use of the internet and technology throughout school
  • Support younger pupils with the use of technology in school
  • Ensure IT equipment is looked after and put on charge daily

Reading Ambassadors

  • Promote a love of reading throughout school
  • Responsible for promoting the use of the Reading Burrow and classroom book corners
  • Run reading clubs for younger pupils

Trust Council Representatives

The Trust Councils consist of representatives from each of the Crofty schools who work together to bring about change in important areas of our everyday school lives.

For 2024-25 we have 3 trust councils aimed to engage children in a variety of topics.

  1. Crofty Eco Council
  2. Crofty Coastal Crew
  3. The Trust Parliament