Meet the Staff

Mrs Carr-Head of School

Mrs Carr is the Head of School, DSL and also teaches in Owls class.

Mrs Tamblin-Class Teacher

Mrs Tamblin teaches in our Robins Class (EYFS and Y1). Mrs Tamblin works in Robins’ class 3 days per week alongside Mrs Vivian.

Mrs Ellis-Class Teacher

Mrs Ellis teaches the oldest children of Halwin; The Kingfishers and is the English, Science and PE lead.

Mrs Blewitt-Class Teacher

Mrs Blewitt teaches in Owls Class 3 days a week and is the Humanities and MFL lead.

Mrs Vivian-Class Teacher

Mrs Vivian teaches in Robins Class with the Reception and Year 1, for 2 days a week.

Mrs Tomba-Pre-School Leader

Mrs Tomba runs our pre-school.

Miss Williams-TA / Wrap-around care supervisor

Miss Williams supports the children’s learning in Robins and Owls classes as a Teaching Assistant as well as supervising lunches and running our popular Wrap-Around Provision

Mrs Trathen – TA

Mrs Trathen supports the children’s learning in Owls class. She is also our Reading Tutor and SaLT Champion.

Mrs Gee-School Administrator

As well as running the school office, Mrs Gee supervises lunchtimes

Mrs Kim Elphick – TA

Miss Trathen-Pre-school Assistant & Extended Activities Assistant

Miss Trathen works in our preschool every day as well as supports the wrap around care in our breakfast club.